You have a capsule and pods shop or a retail business and would like to include a product in your shop that can finally guarantee:
And you are looking for a serious and reliable Italian supplier who can be a true partner who can finally guarantee you:
Then you have finally found what you have been looking for for a long time
Fill in the enquiry form below to become one of our resellers and to find out why placing Capsuleria Capsules and Pods in your shop will be the best choice of your life (at least in terms of coffee)
Important: If you send in your request by this Sunday at 23:59 you will receive 4 bonuses valid for your first orders as a reseller that will allow you to try all of our products at a very ridiculous cost.
The 4 bonuses you will receive after your request has been accepted are:
Fill in the form below and receive your 4 special bonuses immediately after registration confirmation:
Not convinced?
Continue reading...
If you've landed on this page, I bet you are in the same situation right now that our employees and dealers were in before they met Capsuleria.
They were all constantly looking for products that could guarantee them a steady income and new customers every day.
So far so good, nothing strange you will say. The problem is that every single day they had a head-on collision with the competitor on duty who overnight would put the same product they also had in the shop at 1€ less. And you know. People for 1€ less are willing to change and travel miles without any problems.
In short, they were fighting a ruinous war to the bottom, which in the long run would undoubtedly lead to both businesses closing down.
I am sorry to break this bad news to you, but the law of the price drop does not give discounts, neither to us nor to you. That's the harsh reality.
Not to mention the deliveries and payments from their former suppliers: they were in a constant battle with suppliers to receive the goods quickly (because you know as well as I do that the fast turnover of a small business's stock is vital) and in a constant battle to ask for some breathing space with payments (which in these times are just as vital for a small business)
But no dice. Although the relationship with their suppliers lasted for years, every single order always turned out to be an odyssey.
Shipments after 7/10/15/30 days from the order entrusted to slow and unreliable couriers and increasingly stringent payments, right up to advance payments.
The perfect cocktail for failure.
Shall we talk about exclusivity zones? pfff. No one ever respected them and as I have written before our collaborators, before working with us, found themselves selling the same product as their neighbour.
You know very well that I am not exaggerating because this is the reality of everyday life. Reality that you probably come up against every single day yourself.
If you have recognised yourself in even one of the points listed above and are therefore playing this dangerous losing game, it is time to raise your head and look for a real and concrete solution to this ruinous problem that is trying to destroy your business.
And then what happened to the dealers and collaborators I mentioned earlier?
Then, just as you are doing at this very moment, all the people who are working with us today landed on this page and read through everything we explain in the following paragraphs of this page....
If you can't wait to find out how to become a reseller of the exclusive la Capsuleria brand products, fill in the form below with your details now. We'll contact you in record time and explain to you step by step how to get out of this highly dangerous zone you're in. And (maybe) if you follow our advice you can save your shop and your business from certain death
So now you have 3 alternatives:
Solution 1. Click here and fill out the form below without obligation, take home 4 special bonuses and discover how hundreds of other entrepreneurs have finally incorporated a unique product into their shop that guarantees them steady earnings and new customers every day.
Solution 2: Don't fill out the form below now and keep scrolling down the page to find out which is the right way forward from now on.
Solution 3: You can continue your ruinous war on the bottom by selling products that your customers will find in the supermarket, on Amazon and at your neighbouring competitor for 1€ less. We will certainly not judge you
If you are already familiar with our reality, our coffees, capsules and pods, and if you are already aware of all the benefits that will derive from the inclusion of a product with a very high demand that will guarantee you constant earnings, loyal customers, new customers, and great visibility....
Well then, click here now and fill in the form above.
We will evaluate your request and reply to you in no time if your shop or business has what it takes to become part of our valuable circle of distributors.
Just enough time to understand where and how you would like to market our products, as each of our distributors has a dedicated exclusivity zone that we obviously and rightly have to respect.
If, on the other hand, you are not familiar with our reality, take two minutes and read in this page everything you need to know about Capsuleria and why including our Capsules and Pods in your shop or business will be the best choice of your life (at least in terms of coffee).
what we make a difference in
✓ 360° Service
✓ Capsules and Pods 100% Made in Italy
✓ Large profit margin
✓ Best purchase prices on the market
✓ Highest quality standards
✓ Orders dispatched in 24 hours
✓ We help you choose the right products
✓ No contractual obligations for minimum monthly purchases
✓ No royalties on purchases
✓ Support in the logistical management of your shop
✓ Support in marketing management of your shop
✓ Established brand throughout Europe
✓ Dedicated Whatsapp marketing
✓ Customer loyalty tool
✓ Customer order management tool
✓ Order payment in 3 instalments
✓ 10 years of experience in the industry
✓ 44 shops in Italy
✓ Live support always present
✓ No minimum order
exclusive products

We have decided and strongly believe that our products will never 'end up' in any supermarket chain and by any wholesaler or retailer outside our company. This allows and will allow us to guarantee complete control of the entire supply chain. We will forever own and be aware of where our product will be sold, by whom it will be sold and at what price. This is fundamental to allow us to maintain a strong brand identity and guarantee the exclusivity of our products. I repeat, in your area, you will be the one and only shop that can sell 'La Capsuleria' branded products.
zone of exclusivity all yours

Depending on which country/city you decide to open your shop in, you will be allocated your own exclusive zone. No other person will be able to open in your exclusive zone. This will guarantee that all customers in your Country/City will be able to find "La Capsuleria" brand products exclusively in your shop.
fast-growing market

The market for compatible capsules is now a real reality in Italy, allowing you to invest in a high turnover consumer product that allows the end customer to make significant savings compared to original capsules. You will allow all your customers to choose from a unique and exclusive range of products and enjoy a customised offer that they can only buy from you. The 'La Capsuleria®' brand is a registered trademark and our products can only and exclusively be resold in specialised 'La Capsuleria' brand shops. This will allow you not to be subject to comparisons with competitors, with supermarkets, and avoid a price war. You will sell your product and only you will have it
you will never be alone

Our strength has always been our relationship with the people who have opened our shop; in fact, we consider ourselves a big family, because as we have written before, 'your success is our success'.
We will take care and pass on to you all our know-how acquired over the last few years regarding knowledge of coffee, loyalty, marketing, logistical and administrative strategies so that you will be a full-fledged entrepreneur.

Coffee chosen with love and passion
Our blends start their journey from the best plantations in South/Central America, India and Africa and are then roasted in Italy in the cities of Brescia, Vicenza, Padua and Siracusa.
In the roasting plants with which we collaborate, the Arabica and Robusta blends we have meticulously studied are created, unique in their taste and creaminess.
Our green coffee is processed through roasting, grinding and encapsulation. The steps are monitored by employees who check the quality, delivery, aroma, notes and body.

A unique and magical sensory journey
Tasting one or more of our coffee blends will take you on a magical journey through the perception of aromas and all the aromatic nuances in your cup of coffee.
You will start with our most aromatic, spiciest, sweetest and most fragrant Arabica coffees, with notes of flowers, honey, red fruits, cereals and citrus fruits, which will take you to Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia and Nicaragua... And you will end up with our Robust coffees, with a stronger, more persistent aromatic profile, with notes of wood, cocoa, biscuits, toasted bread, hazelnuts, chocolate, ash and earth, which will take you to India, Vietnam, Uganda and Tanzania.

The beginning of Capsuleria
La Capsuleria is the story of the Allegri family that has won over tens of thousands of families all over Italy thanks to the quality of their Capsules and Pods of Coffee, Tea and Herbal Teas produced with love entirely in Italy and sold in their Stores under the brand name "la Capsuleria".
"We are already living our Dream and we will do everything to never wake up again. " This is the Allegri family's answer when it comes to Dreams in the drawer. Dad Giuseppe with his sons Davide and Niccolò are the Allegri family.

An invention all Made in Italy
The Allegri family have always been great enthusiasts and assiduous consumers of coffee, starting with the dear old Moka and then moving on to more modern and evolved extraction methods with Capsules and Coffee Pods and Automatic Machines.
A passion so visceral, great and powerful that it drove the Allegri family to invest all their life savings in a project that has always had for them the charm and appearance of a dream rather than a business based on simple numbers.

The art of choosing coffee blends
All our coffee blends, contained in our capsules and pods, are derived from a careful selection of coffee origins, carefully selected both by us personally and in collaboration with real experts in the field. They have been perfected over time to meet all the flavour profiles required by our customers.
Coffee might be perceived as a 'banal' drink, but those behind the scenes, those who create the famous 'black beverage', starting from the cultivation of the bean to the actual roasting, know very well that it is not so banal.
Behind it all, leaving aside all that is commercial and profit-making, there is a world made up of a culture born hundreds of years ago in the Middle East with infinite nuances of smell and taste perception. Since we are not really a roasting company, but exclusively expert selectors of coffee blends, we have decided to enter into important collaborations with historic Italian roasting companies, with whom we work in symbiosis, sharing the passion and love for the black beverage, known throughout the world as coffee.

Infinite Possibilities of Choice and Results
The selection of our coffee blends obviously starts from two very precise cornerstones, Arabica and Robusta, the two coffee qualities par excellence, which, through the varieties, cultivation, harvesting, roasting and grinding methods, and the blends that are created from their mix, never random and always aimed at a very precise result, give the possibility of infinite taste variables.
A Magical Journey
Selecting one or more coffee blends is a magical journey, allowing you to close your eyes and perceive the aromas and all the aromatic nuances, and allowing you to travel the world without ever having left.
Starting with our selected Arabicas, more aromatic, spicier, sweeter, more fragrant with notes of flowers, honey, red fruits, cereals, citrus fruits...
Going all the way to our selected Robustas, with a stronger aromatic profile, more persistent, with notes of wood, cocoa, biscuits, toasted bread, hazelnuts, chocolate, ash and earth...

Precise and conscious choice
Based on these notions, the selection days of our coffee blends are characterised by a very precise schedule:
Choosing the end result in the cup
To define the first stage, it seems like a nonsense, but we start with the end result we want to achieve. We therefore start with a well-defined idea of the result in the cup that we want, and that the market wants.
It will therefore be a coffee that is more or less intense, persistent, bitter, with sweet or perfumed notes, more acidic or more astringent...we could go on and on. Without a clear idea of what we want to achieve, we do not even begin.

Defining the end result in the cup
Definire la prima fase, sembra un controsenso, ma si parte dal risultato finale che si vuole ottenere. Partiamo quindi da un'idea ben definita del risultato in tazza che vogliamo e che vuole il mercato.
Sarà quindi un caffè più o meno intenso, persistente, amaro, con note dolci o profumate, più acido o più astringente... potremmo continuare a lungo. Senza un'idea chiara di ciò che si vuole ottenere, non si comincia nemmeno.

Coffee production
Once we have defined the origins of our coffee, the blend or the single-origin blend, always aiming at the end result, we carefully analyse the production cycle, another fundamental component in determining an excellent final yield.
The coffee beans of the chosen origins leave the coffee plantations of reference. They arrive at the roasting plantation still 'raw', i.e. green, in the characteristic jute sacks.
The first production step is roasting, i.e. the actual 'cooking of the beans'. Roasting the beans is also a true art; depending on the various roasting curves, different flavour profiles can be obtained while maintaining the same type of blend.
Roasting Coffee
Certain blends are roasted already as blends, in other cases the blend is created after roasting...

...always depending on the aromatic result you want to achieve.
Roasting is a key point depending on the intensity and perception of certain aromatic notes in the coffee depending on the desired end result. The more a bean is roasted, the more intense and properly roasted, woody, ashy aromatic profile is given to it.
By playing with time, temperatures and roasting curves, it is possible to define whether a particular type of coffee is to be enhanced with certain aromas or not.
Usually, after this phase, we do a first tasting with a bar machine, then the roasted beans are ground by us with a manual grinder, after which, we do the first tasting trials, with different grindings, without sugar, with medium sugar up to the classic sachet, the most commonly used sweetening method on the market.
Here is where you start to focus on taste perception. One closes one's eyes and begins the sensory journey into all the nuances of the aromatic profile of the first coffee result.

Coffee grinding
Dopo la prima degustazione sensoriale si arriva a una prima definizione sia della tostatura del blend o mix delle origini scelte, fino ad arrivare ad un altro passaggio molto importante del ciclo produttivo che è la macinatura dei nostri chicchi di caffè.
Un metro veramente molto importante in chiave di profilo aromatico, erogazione, e di quantità di caffè presente nella capsula.
Più i chicchi verranno macinati fini più si avrà un risultato farinoso e di polvere molto fine, con un risultato in tazza sempre più corposo, rotondo e sciropposo.
The last production step is precisely the encapsulation of the ground coffee in capsules, which is done automatically by the encapsulating machine, after being specially equipped for the blend chosen according to the previously selected parameters of the final product.

Final Tasting
With the coffee machine, attention is first paid to the brewing, which must be smooth and never interrupted. After that, attention shifts to the creaminess, the coffee must always be dense, syrupy and full-bodied, and finally, the aromatic notes chosen in the initial phase are confirmed, which must be found in every cup of coffee to ensure that the coffee is always of the highest quality.
La fine del viaggio Magico
Finally, the part we like best, sample after sample we all carry out several tasting tests together, always using various sweetening methods, comparing perceptions, immediate and aftertaste aromatic nuances, peaks of acidity and astringency.
It is a magical journey with open eyes in a mechanical/industrial process that has a very strong human, emotional component and is all aimed at that final result enclosed in a small cup of coffee that has made us dream and fall in love so much.
And may Capsuleria's dream never end... the dream of bringing authentic, Italian, quality espresso into the homes of millions.